
Showing posts from November, 2017

Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram. Data Flow Symbols: (No universal set of symbols and either style can be used). Data Flows in one direction for level 1 diagrams. Where information comes from and where it goes to, how it gets stored and retrieved, inputs and outputs (for Inputs and Outputs: who puts the information in and where does it end up?). 

Green IT

What is Green IT? Green IT is an attempt to make computing more eco-friendly. this can influence: -Manufacture of computers. -Transportation of computers. -The way computers are used. -The way computers are disposed of. Drivers of Green IT. United Nations Climate Change Summits- annually Discuss ways of reducing or managing the threat of climate change. UK Governments Policy- The 2011 Greening Government ICT Strategy made commitment to adopt more green policies within government departments e.g: use of cloud storage and shared services have resulted in fewer computers and less physical storage devices.  Purpose of Green IT. Ultimate aim is to create a more sustainable society for future generations. -Reduction in emissions that lead to climate change. -Reduction in pollution and non-degradable waste. Apart from benefits to the planet adopting green practices may have financial benefits to organisations e.g: reduced energy bills as well as a positi...
Comparison of data protection legislation and regulation in different countries Country Name of applicable laws Comparison of these data protection laws in this country with those in the UK USA Safe Harbor Act/agreement Agrees to the same rules as the EU. France Data Protection Directive Is part of the EU so follows the same laws as other countries In the EU. Indonesia Electronic Information Law Very similar to the Data Protection in the EU. Australia The Privacy Act Very similar to the data protection act in the UK. Antigua Data Protection Act 2013 Any data that they deal with (public and/or private) is covered by the act. Canada Digital Privacy Act and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) Conforms to the same standard as the EU Data Protection. Jordan The draft Data Protection Bill There is no law for Data protection. ...