Information Holders
Individual Citizens.
- Bank account details.
- Age.
- Phone number.
- Email.
- House address.
Other people:
- Other peoples phone numbers.
- other peoples email addresses.
- Other peoples age.
- Names.
- Age.
- Email.
- Phone numbers.
- Addresses.
- Bank account details.
- Information about other businesses (e.g. how well they are doing compared to another business).
- Contact information of other businesses (e.g. they may be working with another company).
- Citizenship/Status.
- Tax.
- National Insurance.
- Crimes
- Elections/Are u able to vote.
- NHS Information (medication, operations, allergies, etc).
- Foreign Office, information on who is living outside the UK or who live in the UK but are from another country, (etc: age, phone number, hight, skin colour).
- Bank details.
- Personal information (skin colour, height, age etc).
- Record of donations.
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